First Bite still means the world to me. I met some of my favourite people in the group and my happiest memories of high school are from all the exciting shows we worked on together. I was a really shy, anxious teenager and First Bite was a haven that gave me a chance to grow and make friends. I had so much fun playing everything from a fainting damsel to a murderous dictator! Thursday was always my favourite day of the week. Rebecca was the kindest and most intelligent teacher anyone could ask for. I was so proud to come back and watch the shows when my little sister joined FBYT.

First Bite gave me friends and skills that are still important to me now. In the 15 years since I left First Bite I have worked as a performer, programmed a theatre and lectured on theatre history. I would not have had the confidence or experience to do any of these things if Rebecca and First Bite had not inspired and challenged me. I’m so grateful to have been part of such an amazing group and am so proud to see all the fantastic work FBYT are doing now.

Keava McMillan (1995 – 2003)